Because Russia is one of the world’'s largest emitters of greenhouse gases. The tasks of mitigating the effects of climate change, which are based on ongoing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, are becoming increasingly urgent. Waste, including municipal solid waste (MSW), has long become a problem that poses a threat to the environmental safety of the Russian Federation. Analysis of statistical data shows that the volume of MSW waste is growing from year to year and largely depends on the scale of cities and population. Cities account for more than 70 % of greenhouse gas emissions, and they are the main contributor to the climate crisis. MSW landfills are the third largest anthropogenic source of atmospheric methane. Therefore, it is important to study the formation of methane in the conditions of landfill and its dependence on various factors. This article is devoted to a review and comparative analysis of the functional capabilities of the most well-known calculation methods used to model greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal facilities. A comparative analysis of such techniques made it possible to determine their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the possibility of mutual substitution of parameters. The parameters of the methods are interchangeable and can be specified for each specific MSW landfill. The accuracy of the calculated prediction depends on the completeness of accounting for all factors affecting the process (climatic conditions, morphological composition of waste, type of landfill, the presence of fires, etc.). As a result of the study, it was found that in order to develop a scientifically sound methodology for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal facilities, additional comprehensive studies are necessary. In particular, supplementing the list of wastes considered in the IPCC methodology with other types of waste in accordance with the Federal Waste Classification Catalog, determining the required parameters for these types of waste, as well as clarifying the parameters of the model for the possibility of using it in calculating emissions from a specific waste disposal facility.