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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Publication ethics

The journal adheres to the ethical standards adopted by the International Sociological Association (see

The detection of plagiarism in the text sent for review makes it impossible to further cooperate with the author. The journal Sociology of the City accepts for publication original texts containing empirical and theoretical research. By offering a manuscript for publication in a journal, the author guarantees that the article (or parts thereof) has not been published (including in other languages). Simultaneously with the submission of the manuscript to the journal, the text is not offered and will not be offered to any other publication until the issue of its publication in the Sociology of the City is resolved.

Review procedure

All articles are anonymously reviewed (data about authors and reviewers are closed to both parties). An exception is made for texts rejected by the editors as not corresponding to the subject of the journal or editorial policy. Reviewers are experts in specific fields on the subject of the reviewed text.

Manuscript Requirement

The recommended length of the article is 40,000 characters with spaces (or about 5,000 words)

Reviews of scientific conferences and seminars, reviews - no more than 20,000 characters (or about 1,500 words).

The text of a scientific article should be divided into sections, include an introduction, conclusion, the main part should be divided into thematic blocks with subtitles. If the article contains the results of the author's empirical research, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate section describing the methodological and methodological procedures. The text should clearly indicate the purpose of the article, meet the requirements of the genre of scientific publication, text composition, and clear logic of presentation.

Manuscripts are accepted in electronic form, typing is carried out in the Word program, Times New Roman font, font size - 12.

Articles should be sent to:

Manuscript formatting

Manuscripts of articles and essays should include:

Information about the author(s) (full name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, postal address of the organization, e-mail address; in Russian and English).

Title (in Russian and English).

Abstract (150-300 words, in Russian and English).

Keywords (5-10; in Russian and English).

The main text of the article.

List of sources and literature ("Bibliographic list" / "References").


Annotation to the article and gratitude

The volume of the abstract to the article in Russian and English should be in the range from 150 to 300 words. The abstract should contain information about the purpose of the work and the subject of the author's research, reflect approaches to analysis and the main results of the work. If the work was performed with the involvement of grants or other funding, this must be reflected. Also, if you wish, you can express gratitude to colleagues who are not the authors of the text, but made a significant contribution to its preparation for publication, or any other thanks.

Inline links

The author is obliged to indicate the sources of all quotations, figures and other information given in the article. References to sources are given in the main text in parentheses in the following form: author(s), year of publication: page number cited. Examples: (Habermas, 2008: 14), (Garfinkel, 2002: 156–157), (Heath, Hindmarsh, Luff, 2010). If the manuscript contains references to the works of one author published in the same year, the letters a, b, c, d ... are added to the year of publication (for publications in foreign languages ​​- a, b, c, d ...). When referring to several works of the same author, they are separated by commas. Example: (Harvey, 2002, 2003, 2005).

If there are from one to three authors at the source, they are listed in the inline link separated by commas: (Nyqvist, Nygård, Scharf, 2021). If there are four or more authors, the surname of the first of them is indicated and “et al.”/“et al.” is added to it: (Abalakina-Paap et al., 1999) or (Ilyin et al., 2020) Bibliographic description in the list of references must list all authors.

In the main text, in references to collective works, the first or first few words of the title and, separated by a comma, the year of publication are indicated in brackets. For example, a link to the book Domestic Violence in the History of Russian Everyday Life (XI—XXI centuries) looks like this: (Domestic Violence…, 2012).

Page footnotes

Footnotes are drawn up page by page and numbered in Arabic numerals in order. In addition to clarifying information explaining the provisions expressed in the main text, page footnotes may also contain links to sources of non-scientific information: media materials, legal documents, etc. They are drawn up according to the same principles as bibliographic descriptions from the list of references.

Design examples:

Shubin Yu. V. Psychogeography: a journey of one research optics. URL: (date of access: 10/20/2021).

Self-isolation regime: expectations, motives, assessment of the imposed restrictions // VTsIOM. April 27, 2020 URL: (date of access: 11/27/2021).

Rules for the design of a bibliographic list

The List of References contains only sources of scientific information. Media materials, legal documents, etc. are mentioned in the footnotes. The list of literature should contain only those sources that the author referred to in the text of the article.

Sources are arranged in alphabetical order. Sources in Russian follow first, then in foreign languages. If you refer to several works of the same author (or group of authors), then indicate them in the list in chronological order.

Journal article

Trubina, E.G. Center and periphery: between growth and development // Logos. 2013. No. 4 (94). pp. 237-266.

Harvey D. The Right to the City // New Left Review. 2008. No. 53. P. 23-41


Chapter in a book

Filippov A.F. Political sociology: the problem of the classics // Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge / Ed. ed. THEM. Savelyeva, A.V. Poletaev. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2009, pp. 181–209.

Lange de M., Waal de M. Owning the City: New Media and Citizen Engagement in Urban Design // Urban land use: community-based planning / ed. by K. Etingoff. Apple Academic Press, 2017. pp. 89-109.


Harvey D. Social justice and the city / translated from English by E. Yu. Gerasimova. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2018.

Goffman E. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1986.


Classics and classics in social and humanitarian knowledge / Ed. ed. THEM. Savelyeva, A.V. Poletaev. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2009.

Urban land use: community-based planning / ed. by K. Etingoff. Apple Academic Press, 2017.


Archival materials

Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ARAS). F. 1937. Op. 2. D. 133. L. 13, 13v.


Kurakin D. Yu. Sacred as a concept and a problem in the “strong program” of cultural sociology. Diss. … cand. social Sciences (22.00.01). Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2012.

Macintyre A. J. An Empirical Examination of the Consequences of National Pride: Analyzes of Survey and Experimental Data. PhD Thesis. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, 2015.

Electronic publishing

Vezhlyan E. Literary Evening as a Frame, or On the Question of Sociological Reconceptualization of the Forms of Literary Life. URL: (date of access: 06/05/2016).

Becker H. Remembering Goffman. URL: (accessed: 03/01/2016).

Formalization of "References"

Sources are listed in alphabetical order. Russian-language sources are transliterated and their title is translated into English. It is recommended to use the service.

Journal article

Veselkova N. (1994) Semi-structured interview [Semi-structured Interview]. Journal of Sociology, no 3, pp. 103–109 (in Russian).

Carlin A. P. (2004) On “Owning” Silence: Talk, Texts and the “Semiotics” of Bibliographies. Semiotica, vol. 146, no 1-4, pp. 117–138.

Chapter in a book

Filippov A. (2009) Politicheskaja sociologija: problema klassiki [Political Sociology: The Problem of Classic]. Klassika i klassiki v social'nom i gumanitarnom znanii [Classic and Classics in Social and Humanitarian Knowledge] (eds. I. Savelieva, A. Poletaev), Moscow: New Literary Observer, pp. 181–209.

Harding S. (1993) Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology: What Is “Strong Objectivity”? Feminist Epistemologies (ed. L. Alcoff), London: Routledge, pp. 49–82.


Khestanov R. (2001) Alexander Herzen: improvizacija protiv doktriny [Alexander Herzen: Improvisation contre Doctrine], Moscow: Dom intellektual'noj knigi.

Malinowski B. (2002) Argonauts of the Western Pacific, London: Routledge.


Burhanova F., Valiahmetov R., Khilazheva G. (eds.) (2010) Sem'ja i chelovecheskoe razvitie v Respublike Bashkortostan [Family and Human Development in the Republic of Bashkortostan], Ufa: Vostochnaja pechat'.

Alexander J. (ed.) (1988) Durkheimian Sociology and Cultural Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Kurakin D. (2012) Sakral'noe kak ponjatie i problema v “sil'noj program” kul'tursociologii [Sacred as a Concept and a Problem in the “Strong Program” of Cultural Sociology] (PhD Thesis), Moscow: HSE.

Simpson P. (2010) Ecology of Street Performance: Bodies, Affects, Politics (PhD Thesis), Bristol: University of Bristol.

Electronic publishing

Vezhlian E. (2016) Literaturnyj vecher kak frejm, or K voprosu o sociologicheskoj rekonceptualizacii form literaturnogo byta [Literary Evening as a Frame; or, Toward the Question of the Sociological Conceptualization of the Forms of Literary Life]. Available at: (accessed 5 June 2016).

Becker H. (2007). Remembering Goffman. Available at: (accessed 1 March 2016).


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